Worldwide, most children and an estimated ninety percent of adults have experienced caries, with the disease most prevalent in Asian and Latin American countries and least prevalent in African countries.[83] In the United States, dental caries is the most common chronic childhood disease, being at least five times more common than asthma.[84] It is the primary pathological cause of tooth loss in children.[85] Between twenty-nine and fifty-nine percent of adults over the age of fifty experience caries.[86]
The number of cases has decreased in some developed countries, and this decline is usually attributed to increasingly better oral hygienepractices and preventive measures such as fluoride treatment.[87] Nonetheless, countries that have experienced an overall decrease in cases of tooth decay continue to have a disparity in the distribution of the disease.[86] Among children in the United States and Europe, twenty percent of the population endures sixty to eighty percent of cases of dental caries.[88] A similarly skewed distribution of the disease is found throughout the world with some children having none or very few caries and others having a high number.[86] Australia, Nepal, and Sweden have a low incidence of cases of dental caries among children, whereas cases are more numerous in Costa Rica and Slovakia.[89]
The classic "DMF" (decay/missing/filled) index is one of the most common methods for assessing caries prevalence as well as dental treatment needs among populations. This index is based on in-field clinical examination of individuals by using a probe, mirror and cotton rolls. Because the DMF index is done without X-ray imaging, it underestimates real caries prevalence and treatment needs.[62]
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